Parks Committee (2018)
The Parks Committee will represent the Pittsburgh Community Benefit Fund on the City of Kingston’s Parks Working Group
Committee Members
Primary: Amanda Milliken
Project Committee (2018)
The PCBF Project Committee is responsible to review and make recommendations to the Board regarding the approval of projects and grants in support of received submissions within the funding envelope provided by unrestricted funds.
Chair of the Project Committee
Project Committee Members
Scholarship Committee (2018)
The PCBF Scholarship Committee is responsible to review applications, select worthy candidates based on established criteria, and make recommendation to the Board for the granting of scholarships to various graduating secondary school students who were/are residents of the former Pittsburgh Township.
Chair of the Scholarship Committee
Dr. Alana Way
Scholarship Committee Members
Colleen Emmerson, Clyde Smith, George Sutherland, Steve van Wynsberghe
Combined Investment and Finance Committee (2018)
The PCBF Investment Committee is responsible to review the investments and investment policy statement (IPS) of the fund and make recommendations to the Board with regards to these matters. The Investment Committee is not responsible or mandated to select or make recommendations regarding individual investment securities held in the fund.
The PCBF Finance Committee is responsible to review the financial operations and policies associated with proper management and custody of the funds, both restricted and unrestricted. The Finance Committee is also responsible for reviewing and developing formal Board policy with respect to the selection and terms of professional services, such as legal, auditor, and insurance
Chair of the Combined Investment and Finance Committee
Committee Member
Nominating Committee (2019)
The Nominating Committee is required by the existing PCBF By-Laws to ensure that there is a minimum number of candidates to fill upcoming vacant Directors positions at the AGM. The Nominating Committee is NOT mandated to rate, prioritize, recommend, or bias the voting or selection of any candidate over another.
Chair of the Nominating Committee
(PCBF Past-President, as mandated by the By-Laws)
Jean Cooper
Members of the Nominating Committee
To be determined