Project Grants

The application process for 2025 project grants is now open. Instructions regarding the project process are posted PCBF Project Application Instructions.

Community partners are invited to complete and submit the PCBF Project Application Form Fillable by the February 1st midnight deadline.  The form is new this year and is fillable so that you only need to save and send electronically. Successful projects will be announced at the Annual General Meeting, date to be determined and posted.

Projects Process

Organizations will be invited to submit a proposal for funding.  The deadline is February 1st at midnight each year.  After the deadline, the Projects Committee will meet to review all applications, based on the criteria in the application package. Applicants may be invited to attend a February Board meeting to present their project and answer any questions the Board may have on the project.  Following the presentations, the presenters are dismissed, and the Projects Committee reports on its recommendations to the Board.  Each submission is evaluated based on the core criteria and voted on.

The following is used to provide the PCBF Project Committee a guide in assessing submitted projects for funding consideration:

  1. Eligibility of the request.
    Does it meet the criteria set out in the letters patent, that is:

(a)  Develop and foster community spirit;

(b)  Promote organized athletics, arts, recreation, civil emergency, social service and other community endeavours;

(c)  Promote, develop and operate educational, recreational and athletic facilities and equipment within the community;

(d)  Undertake other such complimentary purposes consistent with these objectives.

  1. Impact on the majority of residents in the community.
    What percentage of residents will benefit from this project?  Is the project or grant request only going to benefit a certain category or demographic which would be perceived as unfair or inequitable to the entire community?
  1. Geographical impact.
    How many residents of the former Pittsburgh Township area will benefit from this project? Are the benefits widely dispersed such that all residents have fair opportunity to benefit from the assistance of the PCBF?
  1. Urgency.
    Will not approving this project, or not approving it in a timely manner, seriously affect the future of the project?
  1. Are we the right organization to sponsor this request?
    Is there some other organization, governmental, commercial or private that should rightfully fund or assist in funding this project?
  1. Perceived acceptability by the majority of PCBF members.
    Will funding for the project or grant meet with approval of the majority of the residents in the former Pittsburgh Township?
  1. Are the benefits of this request long-term or short-term?
    Will the project funds make a long-lasting, permanent impact to improving the former Pittsburgh Township as a better place for residents?
  1. Is it financially acceptable?
    Do we have sufficient funds?  Do we have to go to the general membership because the projected costs exceed $500,000?  Does the project or purpose of the grant fall within the former boundaries of Pittsburgh Township?
  1. Is the request a one-time expenditure, or are there expectations of continuous funding?
    Is this a one-time request, or is the PCBF going to be asked for more money year after year?  Will seed money enable this project to become viable and self-sufficient?
  1. Accountability.
    Are the sponsors prepared to provide detailed accounting of funds expended and project progress to the PCBF, as requested by the PCBF?
  1. Purely subjectively, does it help develop and foster community spirit?
  1. Bias or discrimination. (for the Board of Directors)
    Has the PCBF assessment of the project or grant been free of bias or discrimination in accordance with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?